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  • Introductory course: Do you know how important you are?

    You as a leader are important, because you influence how you manage, treat and value your people at work. They take their experiences at work home with them.

  • Course 1: Your team member takes you home with them!

    Course 1: Your team member takes you home with them!

    A first (free) taster training (beta-version) to make you a better leader! This course sets the stage!

  • Course 2: Attention, Attention and More Attention

    Course 2: Attention, Attention and More Attention

    As a leader, your magic word is together. You ensure that your team achieves excellent performance. So the golden question is: how do I motivate people to deliver the excellent performance I want to see. And the answer is actually so simple: give them sincere attention, attention and more attention.

  • Course 3: What goes wrong, then?

    Course 3: What goes wrong, then?

    Communicating is different from talking. And listening is different from hearing. Hearing is done with your ears, listening with your brain. You give meaning to what you hear, see, feel, taste and smell. So what does the process of communicating look like? How does a conversation come about and what challenges do you face?

  • Course 4: Attitude and Questions

    Course 4: Attitude and Questions

    The first section on how to make things better! Conversation skills start with attitude and your most valuable tool is your questions. With your questions you glean information. Some questions you can use at any time and in almost every situation. Yet there are some questions you do better to avoid.

  • Course 5: Sending

    Course 5: Sending

    Saying what you meant to say! In brief: Transmit in a way that the other person understands you – when a message is delivered clearly, it increases the chances of coming across as intended and increases the likelihood that the other person will also do what you ask of them.

  • Course 6: Show you’re listening

    Course 6: Show you’re listening

    The course emphasizes the importance of active listening to make others feel seen and heard. It covers specific skills like paraphrasing, literal reflections, reflections of emotion, and summarizing. You will also learn how Observational Listening enhances these skills, creating a psychologically safe space for deeper, more authentic conversations.

  • Course 7: It’s all about timing

    Course 7: It’s all about timing

    This course teaches effective conversational skills, focusing on Observational Listening to ensure depth and the right expectations. Key lessons include how to open and close conversations, maintain direction, handle rough patches, engage others, and employ metacommunication. Emphasis is also placed on patience and managing attention spans to keep conversations meaningful and engaging.